episode seven

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“Someone who journeys in foreign lands.”

- Definition of the word pilgrim.


This episode’s guest on Malcolm’s show is an expert on alien infiltration, the theory that beings from another planet are living among us on Earth. Click on the green alien for an interesting article about this theory.


This picture was taken by a hidden camera in 2018. Can you spot the alien that’s hiding in plain sight?


During her search for answers, Chase meets a priest who believes miracles are real. Chase isn’t so sure. What do you think?

Here’s an article on seven modern miracles that science can’t explain.


The 901 Bar & Grill is known as “The Nine-O” to the USC students who hang out there.

This is where Chase’s friend, Teresa, works as a bartender.


Click here to read the transcript for Sebastian King’s rare public appearance.


episode five


episode nine